Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

2002 Grand Prix Low Fuel Warning Light

February 2, 2008 about Pontiac Grand Prix

My '02 Pontiac Grand Prix GT (non-supercharged) gets great overall fuel mileage (has 93,000 miles) The low fuel warning light on this model tends to come on way too early, especially when cruising down long steep grades. Now, I have never driven on and on until I've run out of fuel, but I've driven up to 45 miles before putting gas in the tank, and I do this all the time. I feel that the car could go further, but I don't want to run out.

If you run the tank very low on a regular basis, I've been told to have the fuel filter replaced as you can pick up more sediment in the tank which may clog the filter, leading to a breakdown. I had the filter replaced once, at 50,000 miles, and will plan on another filter very soon. (the cost of a new filter is around $17)

Also, concerning the fuel filter (of course, every car has one, usually located on the fuel line under the car near the tank) you should have it replaced often if you plan on keeping the car for many years and you drive it on salted roads. My previous car (a '97 Pontiac GP) had 167,000 miles on it when I took it to have repairs done and a mechanic asked if I wanted the fuel filter changed and I said "yes" (since I never had it replaced before) But the shop called and said they couldn't remove the filter since the fittings and lines where badly corroded from years of winter driving.

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December 16, 2017 by Misty C

When you had ur 97 grand prix did u ever find out how many miles you can go after the low fuel light came on. I was just wondering I have a 97 and was just wanting to know how far it will go. I had a 2004 Ford tauras and I was able to go 55 miles once the light came on...I never pused it any father..but then I had another Ford ait was a mustang and it would only go we miles cause that she. I ran out