Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Another Tdi Jetta

December 14, 2007 about Volkswagen Jetta

I get great mileage with my diesel Jetta - routinely putting at least 50 miles on the low fuel warning light. But last winter on my drive home from a very rural ski "resort" I stopped at 6 stations before finding diesel fuel. My total traveled distance that blustery winter night with the annoying amber warning lit on the dash: an astonishing and extremely nerve racking 77.6 miles.

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April 1, 2013 by Yand

people, becarefull if you itnned to buy a VW jetta . i bought one in 2005 , 2 friends of my did the same, all three cars had problems month after month, they got rid of their cars just in two years and i did not (stupid of me) they got rid of the problems and i still have mine. i spent already over $10k on repairs. i do not recommend it to no one due to the problems i am facing. just today after the dealer called me to tell me that this week repair (the car is over the dealer for the past two and half weeks and still having problems fixing it) around 2k, i told the dealer that they can keep that trash. it is a 2005 JETTA TDI

April 1, 2013 by Yand

people, becarefull if you itnned to buy a VW jetta . i bought one in 2005 , 2 friends of my did the same, all three cars had problems month after month, they got rid of their cars just in two years and i did not (stupid of me) they got rid of the problems and i still have mine. i spent already over $10k on repairs. i do not recommend it to no one due to the problems i am facing. just today after the dealer called me to tell me that this week repair (the car is over the dealer for the past two and half weeks and still having problems fixing it) around 2k, i told the dealer that they can keep that trash. it is a 2005 JETTA TDI

April 1, 2013 by Yand

people, becarefull if you itnned to buy a VW jetta . i bought one in 2005 , 2 friends of my did the same, all three cars had problems month after month, they got rid of their cars just in two years and i did not (stupid of me) they got rid of the problems and i still have mine. i spent already over $10k on repairs. i do not recommend it to no one due to the problems i am facing. just today after the dealer called me to tell me that this week repair (the car is over the dealer for the past two and half weeks and still having problems fixing it) around 2k, i told the dealer that they can keep that trash. it is a 2005 JETTA TDI

February 15, 2015 by Mella

Hey JackHave a safe trip! Question: have you thought about hinvag guest hosts do your podcast when you can't?I'd volunteer for a shift. Being a strong gun control advocate but still a prepper, I'd bring a different flavor to the show. It'd be more of a big tent' approach to the Survival Podcast. And who knows, maybe you have a lot of anti-gun fans out there (like me). Lemme knowCurrent score: 3

September 27, 2015 by Rendi

Hey JackHave a safe trip! Question: have you thought about hinvag guest hosts do your podcast when you can't?I'd volunteer for a shift. Being a strong gun control advocate but still a prepper, I'd bring a different flavor to the show. It'd be more of a big tent' approach to the Survival Podcast. And who knows, maybe you have a lot of anti-gun fans out there (like me). Lemme knowCurrent score: 3

December 22, 2016 by Cordelia

Alain Michel s’en prend vigoureusement à Klarsfeld et Paxton. Quant aux ecclésiastiques ils ne cherchent pas à &laaso;&nbup;qrrondir les angles », sûrement pas les rabbins en tout cas.La réalité est plus complexe. Mais c’est bien le reproche principal que je lui ferais: rester dans une position ambigue, floue, ce qui permet à la fois à Nicolas Bernard d’écrire que ce n’est pas un plaidoyer pro-vichyste et à vous d’écrire le contraire.

June 6, 2018 by Geralynn

I read your post and wieshd I was good enough to write it