Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

I'M Aware This Thing Runs On Gas!

December 13, 2007 about Nissan Altima

I bought a new 2007 Altima 3.5S last year. The warning comes on very, very early and it even says "You have 60 km left!". Of course you can go way, way past that. Once the onboard computer thinks you've got less than twenty km left it stops giving you a range and just tells you that you're out of gas. So basically this car assumes that you've never heard of a gas station before or that you need to make an appointment there two weeks in advance. The warning is next to useless because I can drive to work and back (~45 minutes of highway driving) for a week after the final warning comes on and I still have never run out of gas and have no idea how much further I could go before filling.

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May 17, 2013 by Anonymous

Yeah thats not good for your fuel pump to always run your car on an empty tank. Keep that up and pretty soon you'll be forking up $200 for a new fuel pump. ;)

August 6, 2013 by Sarya

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June 6, 2018 by Margie

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