Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

No Warning Light

March 4, 2013 about Chevrolet Cavalier

I drove a 1989 Cavalier for 15 years. I ran it out of gas about 4 times, and never once got a warning light. It usually just quit below an 8th of a tank. I've seen other stories here saying the same thing, so perhaps the early Cavaliers had problems with gauge accuracy.

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April 1, 2013 by Yudha

Well if your tank is 30 gallons you will have to ditch those bala sakhrs and pictus catfish.insted get -2 paradise fish-2pearl gouramis-2honey gouramis- 10 harquelins-10 amano shrimp if you have these fishes you will havea wonderful asain community and a balanced tanl.dont get anything from the amazon biotopes they do not go well with asian fishes.the amano shrimp will not get eaten and cleans algae.you can replace the pictus catfish with 2 or 3 asian glass catfishes.and DO NOTGET APPLE SNAILS THEY WILL RUIN THE PLANTS AND MIGHT KILL SLEEPING FISH if you want to add snails dont do it they will breed like rabbits and destroy yur live plants.plants suitable for a asain biotpe will beHygrophilajavafernbamboo plantwater wisteriaany crytocorynesI've had aquariums for several years

April 1, 2013 by Yudha

Well if your tank is 30 gallons you will have to ditch those bala sakhrs and pictus catfish.insted get -2 paradise fish-2pearl gouramis-2honey gouramis- 10 harquelins-10 amano shrimp if you have these fishes you will havea wonderful asain community and a balanced tanl.dont get anything from the amazon biotopes they do not go well with asian fishes.the amano shrimp will not get eaten and cleans algae.you can replace the pictus catfish with 2 or 3 asian glass catfishes.and DO NOTGET APPLE SNAILS THEY WILL RUIN THE PLANTS AND MIGHT KILL SLEEPING FISH if you want to add snails dont do it they will breed like rabbits and destroy yur live plants.plants suitable for a asain biotpe will beHygrophilajavafernbamboo plantwater wisteriaany crytocorynesI've had aquariums for several years

April 1, 2013 by Yudha

Well if your tank is 30 gallons you will have to ditch those bala sakhrs and pictus catfish.insted get -2 paradise fish-2pearl gouramis-2honey gouramis- 10 harquelins-10 amano shrimp if you have these fishes you will havea wonderful asain community and a balanced tanl.dont get anything from the amazon biotopes they do not go well with asian fishes.the amano shrimp will not get eaten and cleans algae.you can replace the pictus catfish with 2 or 3 asian glass catfishes.and DO NOTGET APPLE SNAILS THEY WILL RUIN THE PLANTS AND MIGHT KILL SLEEPING FISH if you want to add snails dont do it they will breed like rabbits and destroy yur live plants.plants suitable for a asain biotpe will beHygrophilajavafernbamboo plantwater wisteriaany crytocorynesI've had aquariums for several years

January 22, 2015 by Ducky

Your post has lieftd the level of debate