Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Ran It Dry !

July 5, 2008 about Dodge Dakota

I drive a '94 dakota for the phone co. At 200 miles the gauge reads E,and I gas up which takes about 18 gallons. I assume the tank holds 20,so I have a safety margin of 2 gal.,about 22mi. I ran this routine for years until one day the truck started,but had no acceleration,no more than idle. A tow truck brought me in,and I switched to a loaner. The next day I found my truck was ready;all the mechanic did was fill the tank. At least a year later,I ran out again. I have no explaination for this. When on the job,it's very inconvenient. I now shoot for 180 mi. and refuel. Roy

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Story replies

August 18, 2008 by Ugene

Your tank has a hole in it.

January 14, 2012 by Beatrice

An intelligent point of view, well exrpessed! Thanks!

January 14, 2012 by Beatrice

An intelligent point of view, well exrpessed! Thanks!

January 14, 2012 by Beatrice

An intelligent point of view, well exrpessed! Thanks!