Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Tank Empty = ~2Gal

June 3, 2008 about Toyota Prius

If there is indeed an 11.8gal tank in my Prius then there should be ~2 gal left when that light flips on. I fill up when the light turns on and I usually fill up 9.2-9.8 gallons (depending on how long I have to go to find a station) At 48mpg(my average) that would be ~100 miles till dry. Though, I'm not going to test it...

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Story replies

September 7, 2008 by Jesus

You are doomed.

March 9, 2011 by societyblind

I've never gotten more then 10 gallons in after running out of gas in my 2008. I'm pretty sure it only has 10 gallons of usable gas.

January 31, 2013 by vfrav8tor

I have a 09 Prius, and I've put in 11.3 gallons.