Tank on EmptyTank on Empty


November 2, 2012 about Volvo S60

In the city, I regularly go 35 miles after the light comes on. On the highway, I managed to go 60 miles, not by choice, but because I didn't find a gas station sooner.

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April 2, 2013 by Sarjana

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April 2, 2013 by Sarjana

What would we do without the prseence of the excellent concepts you reveal on this site? Who comes with the tolerance to deal with important topics for the sake of common subscribers like me? My spouse and i and my buddies are very delighted to have your web site among the ones we typically visit. We hope you know how significantly we get pleasure from your working hard! Best wishes coming from us all.

April 2, 2013 by Sarjana

What would we do without the prseence of the excellent concepts you reveal on this site? Who comes with the tolerance to deal with important topics for the sake of common subscribers like me? My spouse and i and my buddies are very delighted to have your web site among the ones we typically visit. We hope you know how significantly we get pleasure from your working hard! Best wishes coming from us all.