Tank on EmptyTank on Empty


December 29, 2016 about Nissan Versa

I spend some amount of time thinking about fuel economy when Im driving..

I can usually get just under 5 trips to work on an absolutely full tank..(like..I cant put anymore gas in the tank)

The yellow light comes on when the tank is about 1/8th left..and Ive been keeping in mind how far I dare go before I chciekn out and get gas.

So far Ive topped out at 20 kilometres at 100kph...but Im thinking I can get twice that.

I might bring some gas with me so I can really push it...

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January 15, 2017 by Marcos

Yo me quede sin nafta 2 veces y no pasa de 18 km desde que se enciende la luz hasta que el auto se detiene