2003 Se Wagon
When my light comes on I'd better find a gas station FAST!
Story replies
I am currently finiihsng up my BA in Child Development and Family Studies and thus far I have only work with children from 2 weeks to adolescent while helping support their families. The Physician that I would want to work under is an Obstetrics (OB) because they are in direct contact with pregnant women and their children during pregnancy. I would choose this particular specialty for a variety of reason such as having the opportunity to see individuals become parent for the first time, seeing how much love is surrounded in the process, being there to help the mothers while there in a vulnerable state. One of my main reasons is because I think that the whole birthing process is fascinating and to be able to be a part of family’s lives while going through this process, I imagine to be extremely rewarding.A of physician specialty that I would least want to work with would be a psychiatrist. Although I believe that psychiatrist do some spectacular work and help a lot of people through difficult situations I personally believe that this job would be to emotionally draining and overwhelming for me. This makes me question whether or not I would be able to handle it. When I set out to do a job my goal is to do the best that I can and I don’t feel that I could successfully do this job to the best of my ability.
Certaines personnes semblent plus fortes en orthographe qu'en empathie... Marion avoue que c'est douloureux pour elle d'être en permanence interpellée sur ce sujet, davantage que sur le fond de son travail, et elle s'en reprend une couche sur ses coquilles... dans les commentaires ! On s'en fout, non ?Marion, je voulais simplement vous dire que j'adore ce blog, que j&#er;achèt39ai bien sûr la BD qui en sera tirée, merci pour tout et continuez à nous enchanter !