400 Miles On One Tank!
When I first got my RX300 four years ago, I was pushing to see just how far I could go on a single tank. To the point where it was well beyond "E", Just as I hit 400 miles I had my blinker on for the gas station -- it ran out, it coasted a little, but I still had to get out and push if about 50 feet....I was lucky...and I won't do that again!
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So do you have a 55g tank? If so, I recommend you add at least three more sarpee tetras, one more corydora, three more otocinclus and at least two more swordtails. All of these fish are either schooling fish (tetras, catfish) or they prefer to be kept in groups of at least three (swordtails, all other livebearers). You could also add a group of 3-4 guppies, mollies or platies if you're interested. I'm just unsure as to why you're keeping improper groups of certain fish when you have the tank space which I'm assuming is a 55g.Make sure you're supplementing their diet with the shrimp pellets 2-3 times a week. You may want to buy algae wafers for the bottom feeders as well as live or frozen blood worms, black worms, meal worms, brine shrimp or mysis shrimp. The shrimp pellets are alright, but your fish will thrive with a varied diet. The bottom feeders as well as the swordtails and tetras will enjoy some cooked veggies which you can attach to a veggie clip and let them pick at it.I'm sure both the tap water conditioners are the same, so I recommend either.Both your Brazilian and amazon swords thrive in low lighting conditions, but banana plants need high, intense light. Correct me if I'm wrong, but two 19w light bulbs which adds up to 39w total is just not enough to grow banana plants. They thrive with at least 4-5w/g, so I recommend upgrading to a 220-275w lighting fixture or just keep plants that require low lighting such as the ones you currently have, as well as anubias, java moss and java ferns.Personal experience