Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Driving With Zero Miles Displaying

June 23, 2007 about Audi S4

The car displays miles left for the gas in the tank. I left home with 10 miles showing and it went to zero in about four miles. I drove another mile and a half to the gas station without running out.

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February 4, 2013 by ChBtT

Kind of similar. I drove ~10 miles with 00 showing. The fill was 13.8 gallons, so I had a ways Lett until empty.

September 27, 2015 by Nikhil

She probably got it for free. She cpeophd up her hair for a movie where she is playing a homeless and troubled teen. Did you hear about Vanessa getting caught smoking? lol. I saw the video on x17 yesterday; she was mad that paparazzi caught her smoking and was yelling at him.

June 6, 2018 by Lucky

Great post with lots of imontrapt stuff.