We thought of everything. Windows up radio off no AC andcruised on neutral as much as possible. Kept to 90 kph on a freeway. Tried jerking forward to give extra momentum but this proved inconsequential as the driver was distracted from his course. We ended up going 40 to 50 km with light on and ended up gazing with 5l left because that's what you do when a station is available
Story replies
I hit 51 mph last month at Crawford Notch in NH. What a blast, but still a little frakey for this old guy. (But I liked it so much I did it 4 times. 2 times each on 2 separate days, the ride back up was a bitch though LOL) My bike is a 2004 Giant OCR 3, so while I love it, it's nothing special.My advice (for what it's worth) for anyone going for a personal down hill speed record, (I'm jealous of you guys hitting 60), is just don't lose your nerve. Just ride out the hill. Believe me, you'll get to the bottom. Relax and let the bike ride itself, you just steer a little. I believe if you try and adjust your speed too much by braking or any other business , then you'll probably skid out and crash. RELAX.Also know the road you are riding. You need to know where there are side roads if any, or sandy patches, rough patches, sharp turns, and, as someone else mentioned, cattle, and so on.Oh yeah, Relax and be careful.