Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

From Empty To 15.74 Gal

December 13, 2007 about Ford Mustang

About 6 months ago I had left work and started my daily drive home from Winter Park, FL to the east side of Orlando. It was about 4:30 and traffic was pretty heavy, the usual stop-and-go sort of thing.

Well I didn't know my low fuel light was on until I had driven past the only right-turn in/right-turn out gas station leaving only the clusterfark left-hand turn in and out of a gas station, which anyone in Orlando will confess is worse than waiting in line at a DMV. I decided to press on with my journey home knowing I would have a BP Connect by my house. Well as I traveled south down Dean Rd. at car had stopped responding to the gas pedal.

It took a few seconds but I soon realized I had ran out of gas. Through some act of GOD or other miracle I coasted about 2 miles down Dean Rd., through 2 stop lights, in no traffic, and made a right turn into a 7-11 gas station and coated all the way to the pump. I figured out my 2000 Mustang GT can hold 15.74 gallons of gas.

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Story replies

February 10, 2013 by GT

I hear you on that coasting. I never had a car that can roll like my mustang. It will roll and roll with no power applied, even free wheeling it can for miles.

September 27, 2015 by Gunawansebayang

Sports Car. Look around and see what you like. You might be into tenrus, and I might like Mustangs. Get something about a year old say like an 06. It will save you a bunch of money, and even the insurance will be somewhat cheaper. Once you have a few miles under your belt, then you can start throwing the mods to it. You can crank out a lot of HP from a 6 cylinder engine. Finally, stay away from convertibles, insurance will jump up when you tell them that.good luck to you.