Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Gas Light

August 18, 2009 about Mazda MAZDA3

I hate to get gas, so I always push the limit of the fuel capacity of my Mazda 3 Hatchback. The manual says that the car has a 15 gallon tank, but after driving 40 to 50 miles with the gas light on it never takes more than 14 gallons. I was just wondering what is the most miles anyone has gotten with the gas light on in a Mazda 3 Hatchback? People say not run out of gas because it will damage your fuel pump, but it helps to know how far you can go without getting gas.

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November 3, 2009 by mclovin


November 15, 2009 by brian

i have 95 mazda 626 2.0 i fill up the tank the gauge read empty and the fuel light came on can someone help me please

December 30, 2009 by Larries Limo Repair

Your sensor is sensing nothing. This means it is not sensing the proper amount of fuel in the tank. If your sensor stops working it will cause the fuel pump to stop operating also. This is a dangerous situation if you are at an intersection or merging into traffic on the freeway. freeways were bult so you can go at a speed that will get you to your destination faster. I just crapped in my pants.