Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Gas Mileage

November 2, 2012 about Pontiac Grand Am

I have a 1998 Grand Am SE with the 3.1L V6. My parents live 135 miles from where I go to school, and my old girlfriend lived 300 miles away from my school. I drove from her place to school, then from school to home... all on 1 tank of gas! My light was on for probably the last 20 miles or so (Can't be exact, this was a year ago), but I made it just fine.

It was all freeway and highway driving between 60-70mph, but I got like 31 m/pg. New cars don't even get that kind of mileage sometimes.

In the summer with everyday city driving, I get close to 27 m/pg. Just don't drive with a lead foot and you can get great gas mileage in this car.

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