Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

"I'Ll Buy You A Paint Job!"

October 13, 2008 about Geo Prizm

I was looking specifically for a used red Geo Prizm in 1994 and as I looked at many cars at many used car lots and rejected some great buys because they weren't either, my father lost patience with me eventually. After rejecting yet another car, he declared, "Just pick any car and I'll buy you a paint job."

I waited and indeed did find exactly what I wanted at a car dealer with the worst reputation in Queens. It was January and the car was in ice almost up to its hubcap; the sale was going to expire in three days and the dealer was unsympathetic that I couldn't test drive the car because it couldn't move. We had a thaw and the dealer called to say it was now or never; I bought it.

It turned out to be a leased car; when I loaded up the trunk to move to Wyoming, I discovered a permit issued to Spike Lee's film company to film "Crooklyn." I was born in Brooklyn and I liked Spike Lee - good omens.

The car, a 1990, was manufactured on Oct. 19, 1989 so it is celebrating its 19th birthday. I have almost 148k just about trouble-free miles on it. I wanted it to last until it was 20 and then I would consider whether or not to buy another. If it develops serious problems I am willing to put money into it to keep it working and my sense is we will get beyond the 20 years with ease. But at some point.......

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Story replies

November 4, 2008 by edward

who is spike lee?

February 4, 2009 by Not Spike Lee

A movie director.