Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

It'S 2 Gallons - But How Far Is That?

June 22, 2007 about Subaru Legacy

I keep track of my mpg for every tank of gas I purchase (by filling the tank to full, and calculating how many miles I went since the last time I filled it).

My average MPG is somewhere around 20-25 - depends on where I'm driving and how long it's been since an oil change.

The manual says that the gas light goes on when there are two gallons left in the tank. I've driven as much as 50 miles past the time the light turned on, but usually I fill it up after I've gone about 40, just to be safe.

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August 20, 2015 by Ashley

I just let my assclown of a brother borrow my car and when I got in it to move it down the driveway I saw that the fuel light was on. I have never let this happen so I have no prior experiences to go by. I am 4 miles from the nearest gas station, if there really are two gallons left I can surely make it that far. I just hope my car behaves like ones reported on here and that reading this isn't giving me some kind of false confidence. I could literally choke him right now.

August 24, 2018 by Kathryn Humphrey

Did you make it to the gas station without running out of gas?