Light On When 10 Gallons Down
Newly purchased 2010 Corolla with 880 miles on it altogether. Average mpg is about 30. Full tank when delivered. Filled it up at about 300-mile mark when the gauge was low to the bottom (no light though) -- 10 gollons of gas.
Then, around the 600-mile mark, the gas light was on befoe I noticed the gauge was low. Filled it up with another 10.xx gallons of gas.
Now, at the 880-mile mark, the light is not on yet. Will fill it up soon, probably right after it passes the 900-mile mark.
So, for my Corolla at least, the light seems to kick in when 10 gallons of gas are consumed. Note that the capacity of the tank is 13.1 gallons.
Story replies
Is this Corolla an Automatic, and was this mileage obtained in cold temperatures. I have the same car, only my low fuel light comes on after 200 miles, and yes, right around 10 gallons of gas used. Thanks, Bob K.
In my 2004 Corolla, automatic transmission, the light seems to come on when there is about 3 gallons left which would be the same situation, 10 gallons used, 3.1 gallons remaining as my tank is also 13.1 Gallons. So assuming I usually get AT LEAST 30 miles per gallon, I tend to get about 70 or 80 miles before I get worried I'm too low on fuel, but there have been times when I've pushed it to about 100 miles. And this is during all spans of cold weather (Freezing 32°F) to extremely hot weather (115°F) in California. Though I definitely get lower mileage when running the AC during the hotter days.
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I have a 2013 Avalon, it holds 17 gal. the low fuel warning tells me I have about 16miles left to drive, when I filled up it only held 13.5 gal, any advice
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