Tank on EmptyTank on Empty


November 2, 2012 about Chevrolet Silverado

I have an '02 Chevy Silverado extra cab 4 door 4x4. It has 373k miles on it and its still running strong. I log every tank I fill. From pulling a trailer to just having the bed loaded most of the time. I am averaging 15.5 with trailer and up to 18.8 without trailer. The only time i get less milage is when I'm traveling in 4 wheel drive in the snow. Then it averages about 12.5 mpg. When my fuel light comes on I can travel and do travel past the average. Usually 40 to 50 miles until I start getting nervous to find a gas station. It' is a fantastic truck.. Not bad for an 02.. Best on the road!

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March 29, 2014 by Rajesh

You all are truly amazing! Every time I watch this video of James it makes me happy and sad all at the same time. Happy that this monemt was captured for his mom and dad and sad that James is no longer here. The monemts that were captured were beautiful. What a sweet heart for all that James was going through you sure wouldn't know he was in pain. I pray for his mom and dad daily and I am so glad you all were there to capture this monemt for them. What a tribute to James!!!

December 22, 2016 by Forever

I wonder what percentage of readers would agree with you that “a ne7wman&#821s;s No. 1 duty is to not become part of the story.” The only way for a newsman to never become part of the story would be to never pursue controversial stories or express unpopular opinions. A newsman’s first duty is to state the truth as much as he can know it and to take the heat if he must from people — like you — who disagree.

June 6, 2018 by Pait

Thought it wolndu't to give it a shot. I was right.