Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Over The Pass

April 13, 2008 about Infiniti G20

In about 2001, I was driving a 2000 G-20t in Colorado. I failed to get gas prior to heading towards Monarch Pass, well, I had no choice but to carry on, I was a bit worried but it was short because a observed a sign that indicated their was a gas station just on the other side and there was but it was abandoned..... I ended up driving about 45 miles after the tank was on empty.

What a surprise

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August 6, 2013 by Leidis

No idea haha, I think you have a pretty well thohugt out tank though. To answer your question I don't believe they are solitary so if that is what you are looking for then no silver dollar fish. I think a good addition might be a school of tiger barbs or maybe albino tiger barbs but that is just a thohugt. I hope all turns out for the best!I've had aquariums for several years