Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Whuppin The Buick

May 29, 2008 about Buick Park Avenue

My husband and I went on vacation with my Mom and Dad. They had just bought a new Buick Park Avenue. We were in the Smokies and the car stalled. Dad had it towed to the nearest Buick dealer and they repaired the car. They told my Dad however that they could not guarantee that the car would make it back home to Illinois before it broke down again. (I cannot remember the problem). We left for home earlier than planned because we were afraid to take chances on the car stalling again. Well we drove about 25 miles and the same thing happened. A service station manager managed to get the car up and running again and we were on our way once more. It was now about one pm on Saturday and we were up and running once again. About fifty miles further the same thing happened. We did manage to get the car off the road right in front of an old motel. The neighborhood didn't look any too good. We used our cell phone to call a tow truck, again, and ask if there was a better place to stay the night. He could take our car about fifty miles to the nearest dealer. Motels were harder to come by. But, we were told the motel right behind us wasn't too bad. We got two rooms. The clerk told us that this was actually two motels but one had gone out of business. The surviving motel had rented the other motel's swimming pool though so we could at least swim. By looking at the other guests we were not too sure that we should go out at all. When my Dad got the luggage into the room he sat down on the bed and said, "If I had a big stick, I'd whup me a buick". We all exploded in laughter. Then we took a chance and went swimming, after all we would be here at least til Monday.

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Story replies

June 3, 2008 by Hurricane

Ah, the love of Buicks, notin like it.

January 22, 2015 by Tom

I would certainly try and find a hoaldiy rental apartment rather than a hotel if i was travelling with children. There are now many rental apartments in hoaldiy destinations that offer much more than a hotel room. I always book an apartment with a games console or English TV, many of them have DVD and CD players which hotels don't normally stock, and many hoaldiy rentals have that little bit more to offer including free internet which many tourist hotels still charge for.

June 6, 2018 by Valinda

My hat is off to your astute command over this topcv-braio!