Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

E Is For Every Drop Counts

February 15, 2009 about Honda Civic

I have a 96EX. I have been on Red and run a 53mile round trip into NYC and back. Running late for the 6AM toll bridge hike. I've put 10.2 gallons in my 10gal tank before. When it hits E I know I got one more trip left. AWESOME CAR!

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Story replies

March 15, 2009 by Pete the pervert

E also stands for erection and I have one now.

March 11, 2010 by John


February 15, 2015 by Maria

John Paul / Insurance is not car insurance it is drevir insurance. What would the agent say your son or daughter was driving your car when it wrecked? NO. You will have to insure the car in your name to buy it. The bank would not have it any other way. You like nice cars I know 1,800 a year insurance is not going to keep you from buying it! Just a couple more years drive safely.

December 22, 2016 by Helene

Good to see a taenlt at work. I can't match that.