Tank on EmptyTank on Empty

Stats for the Honda Civic

Data points320
Average distance 43.23 miles
Max distance99 miles
Min distance1 miles
St. Dev.23.71

Stories About the Honda Civic

  1. Kramer Style
  2. This Is For A 1990 Crx And A 1987 Honda Civic
  3. "Wow, I Don'T Remember That Lake"
  4. Though You May Be Incredulous...
  5. Fuel Light Usually Comes On W/ 2-2.5 Gal Left
  6. 89 Crx Si
  7. Lx 2001
  8. 2001 Honda Civic
  9. 2006+ Civic Fuel Gauge
  10. Vegas Trip
  11. It'S All True
  12. Montreal - Niagara Fall- Montreal
  13. Cool Car
  14. E Is For Every Drop Counts
  15. Man, Was I Surprised
  16. My Heart Was Racing!
  17. The 2003 Honda Civic Ex - What A Piece Of Junk!
  18. Purposefully Ran To Empty The Tank
  19. 2008 Civic Lx
  20. 2000 Civic On E
  21. 2008 Civic Lx 80 Miles Easy
  22. The Digital Fuel Gauge Some Time Go Backward
  23. 0 Ticks
  24. 10 Miles Past 0 Left
  25. Lx
  26. 2014 Civic Ex. 14 Miles Past 0 Dte. Still Running.
  27. 2014 Civic Ex. 14 Miles Past 0 Dte. Still Running.
  28. 2003 Honda Civic Ex Dream
  29. 2015 Honda Civic
  30. Low Fuel Indicator Wrong?
  31. Zero Blocks Left